Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Today, I heard my friends play their compositions.
There were some that are good but some needs practice.
I also need practice for my composition


Today, I played my composition in front of the class.
Next week, i will try to play it with two hands in front of the class


Today i completed my composition.
I also practiced the composition, should be easy


On this day, I practiced for the music singing assessment.
I also learnt about scales and intervals


Today, i learned how to make a simple composition.
I will use this for the 32 bar melody assessment.
Next week, i must bring my laptop


Today, we discussed about all the sharps and flats.
I also did the F major contrary scale on instrument time


Today i got 9.5 for the music assessment.
I'm happy and glad because my friends got high scores too


Today i review about the C major scale and interval
Next week, i have a singing assessment.
We also learned about the 4 criterias


Today, i got the lyrics for Indonesian songs
The song is 'Hari Merdeka"
I will sing it in front of the class for our assessment

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My friend's composition

Today, i heard my friends play their composition, including the ones that needs to redo because of their scores.
I also learnt about the cycle of major and minor scale.

Thursday 22/03/12

Today, i played my composition for the music assessment.
I did only 1 mistake and i think the mistake is barely noticable.
My expectation is 9/10 but maybe the result could be better or worse.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Left hand

today, i listened to my friends's compositions with left hand
i will play mine on tuesday
Today, i also found out my booklet score, which is 7.5, im glad i get that score

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

IDU preparation

Today,we got our music for our IDU presemtation. We tested out our movements with the song, and the timing was perfect
I hope we get a good score on the project because i did my best

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Scores for assessments

Today, i heard some of the other classes' recording of their composition, and they're pretty good
i also got my music assessment score, i didn't get a specific number, but Mr.Sadrakh told me it was almost perfect, so i'm happy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Practicing Composition

Today, i did some paper works/reflection for the previous assessments.
This includes the baroque booklet and the finale composition.
I also practiced my song with left hand on instrument.